Where Did It Go?
I wrote this long entry on Friday afternoon about how I really hate it when people drop in for unannounced visits at our house, particularly when those visits end up lasting for several days. On Friday evening I checked for comments and didn’t have any, but I figured it was because I’d posted it so late on Friday afternoon that no one had gotten around to reading it yet.
I checked my email on Saturday and didn’t have a single comment notification in it, which is odd – usually at least one person will come up with SOMETHING to say about my current post, even if it blows.
And I had nothing. Not one.
Once in a while I get comments without email notification – some kind of quirk in the system, I think, so I figured I’d just visit the index page and check the comment box.
And my current entry up was the one I wrote on Thursday about my bug issues. Hmm. What?
I checked the archives. No mention of the entry about drop-ins. I checked my edit/delete entries area. Nothing. The member news area had no recent posts about Diaryland eating entries, so I dashed off a quick note to tech support asking where my current entry had gone, because I most definitely did not delete it myself. In fact, I hadn’t even visited the edit/delete area any time recently. And of course, this entry was one of the ones I hadn’t backed up.
My support request is still in the queue, which may mean that this has happened to other people too. But maybe not. Andrew & Sammy & co. normally do a pretty good job of maintaining a site that started small and has turned into a behemoth, so I’m not sure what’s going on. One time my entire template randomly disappeared for no apparent reason and they had it fixed within the hour, so I’m hopeful.
But I pay money every month to get the enhanced features, and the last time I checked, those enhanced features did not include random loss of entries.
I’m not slamming Diaryland. I’m really just slamming the Universe, I guess. Because it’s one of those days where I hate everyone.
Yep, even you.
And does it work now…
Yes it does. BINGO!
to clarify: my comments were working fine. but the post itself was deleted, apparently. the whole thing disappeared.
hah. dairyland.
Yeah the post was there on sat for most of the day(I checked at 3:30 pm central). Overall on the post itself, I have little experience with relatives doing such. The only thing that happens to me is my grandmother usually being earlier than expected. Like we will have a holiday dinner set for 4:00 pm and she shows up at the door at 8:00 am expecting me to entertain her til the rest of the family gets there.
That is bothersome, but after she did it once I just had to make sure I cleaned up etc, the night before every time after that.
and that's why I laughed and laughed and laughed at bingo.
'cause I'm a big, fat jerk.
but nice enough to only post a little chuckle.
And I did comment on that post, and noted that it didn't show up… how frustrating for you. It's why I left blogger for Typepad, though no template seems unflawed.
aw. too bad, it was a good entry.
i try to thinkabout what would happen if all my journal entries suddenly went *poof* due to copmputer wonkiness, and then i have to remind myelf to breathe.
for the sake of chrissy hynde, please, stop your sobbing and <a href=”http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail10.html
I also lost my Friday post after KNOWING it was posted and viewed. No response to my tech support query, either.