flip-flop day is march 1st

Mark your calendars; March 1st is Flip-Flop Day.

The last time we were in Old Navy, Sam and I saw the pretty candylike sparkle of the huge peg boards filled with flip-flops. Every time we go shopping in February and I see that the stores have rolled out the spring and summer lines, I’m a little alarmed. In early February we’re still shivering in turtleneck sweaters and jeans and boots and coats, and spring seems a long way away.

But the flip-flops – holy moly, we love the flip-flops. And it was all we could do to keep ourselves away from the flip-flop racks. Because there’s something just a little wrong about buying flip-flops at the beginning of February.

So Sam and I talked about this. When’s the appropriate time to begin buying flip-flops? Too early and it’s just weird and wrong. Too late and all the good colors and sizes have been totally picked over.

We felt that flip-flop buying was an important beginning-of-spring ritual, and deserved a special day. The special day should be the first day of a month, but April 1 was too late. So we decided on March 1. Some might say that March 1 is still too early, and we agree that it might not be warm enough to wear flip-flops at any point in the month of March. But we’d hate to postpone Flip-Flop Day until April 1 and find ourselves with a weekend of glorious weather in March and only last year’s ratty flip-flops to wear. So March 1 it is.

We’re not allowed to buy any flip-flops before March 1, and neither are you. But on the first day of March, we’re going to ceremoniously plunk down a few dollars for those first bright pairs of plastic and foam, and so should all of you. After that, it’s open season. Buy flip-flops whenever you want.

But make sure to buy your first pair of the year on Monday, March 1st.

I’ll check in with you then and I expect to hear all about your flip-flops. Where’d you get them? What color? All that stuff.

And I’ve totally typed “flip-flops” so many times in this entry that it looks supremely weird by now.

11 Replies to “flip-flop day is march 1st”

  1. Ah, dammit. I've already bought three pairs. Will I be banished from the flip-flop kingdom? I love the look of Old Navy flip-flops, but they give me blisters. The most comfortable ones I've ever found have also been the cheapest–Walmart. Laguna/Sand and Sea (or something like that, they changed their name this year,) and at a dollar ninety-four, you can afford all the different colors, and if you don't like them, you only lost two bucks.

  2. Bee, you live way South if I remember correctly, so you're excused for jumping the gun THIS TIME. But remember to buy a pair on March 1st!

  3. dude, i don't think anyone should wear flip-flops to work, ever, unless he or she works as a lifeguard, and even then, aquasocks might be more practical.

  4. I have never in my life felt so left out about my inability to wear flip-flops (I go insane with that piece of plastic between my toes) as I have the past few years. I hate when fashion trends leave my sorry ass out in the cold. It's like being the only Jewish kid on the block in December.

  5. The Cali kids have been doing the flip flop thing for years. I like them too, but I liked that birkenstock TEVA thing too. TEVA's, that was like “the active slip slop” sorry. “Flip Flop”

    What a wacky idea. I need to go buy some TEVA's before all you jackel's get your paws on them. Leap Year is my day. It's a Sunday, so who are we kidding. Perfect.

  6. We call 'em thongs out here (not to be confused with the undergarment!), and I've worn the same pair for, oh, 20 years or so, when the thick ones first came out. They have real suede yellow straps and black soles that have long since worn to the exact shape of my feet. I need new sandals, though. Can I substitute? :) BTW, yes, I check out all the administrative assistant positions I find that don't require years of experience and training in office procedures. (There aren't many.) The problem is, I went to college for 2 1/2 years and have NO training I can use! My computer training was borderline obsolete when I graduated, and is now 4 years obsolete (a lifetime in computerspeak), and I had no office training other than MS Office just to have a general idea of the software. I'm self-taught, but that doesn't show well on a resume!

  7. I love the shoe’s that Laguna makes they are afortable and cofortable
    thanks keep it up

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