pink and pink

Because I am a product whore, I have spent way, way, waaaaaaaaay too much time today on Makeup Alley. I’m in the market for two products, see, which I plan to buy this weekend (payday is tomorrow! ROCK!).

1. A subtle pink blush, and although Benefit Dandelion is tempting, I just can’t see myself paying $25 plus shipping and handling for a freakin’ square of blush. I’ve heard that some of L’Oreal’s Blush Delice shades are comparable, but I don’t know for sure.

2. A really good girly pink lip gloss, and I have no idea where to start on this one. I used to have a really good pink lip gloss that I lost at Blueberry Hill almost a year ago, and it’s getting to the time of year when I want to start wearing pink lip gloss again.

Any ideas?

Oh, and yes, I did end up making it in to work yesterday. I left the house for the second time at 11:15, and between getting out of the neighborhood, getting lunch, taking Ginny to work, and getting gas, it was almost 2:30 by the time I got here. And I’m still working on those stupid charts and graphs.

However. Tomorrow I get PAID PAID PAID PAID PAID, which I am clearly quite happy about, and that means that today I can write checks. I love money.

17 Replies to “pink and pink”

  1. I have a pretty good pink gloss that I bought from Mary Kay. It was one of those parties you get sucked into … but the gloss is pretty good.

  2. You lost your gloss but found your thrill – there's no shame in that.

    …you did find you thrill, right?

    “charts and graphs” is one of my favorite songs by Grandaddy.

  3. Whoa, I was going to recommend Mary Kay as well.

    It's a nice color pink and has a nice thick consistency — doesn't rub off completely after saying “Good Morning.” :)

  4. trish mcevoy…argh that's not the correct name, it's early still, but it's something like that. someone help me out here. anyways, back in the day when i had money this was my lip gloss of sassiness, you can find it at neimans for a mere 20something dollars which i know is heavy but if you have the money for it, it's well worth it. So shiny and gooky and yummy-you'll feel like a total babe. nowadays i sport ol burts bees, boooo!!!!

  5. For lip gloss, if you are willing to plunk down at least $20, you have to get Chanel's “Glossimer” in the color “glaze.” It's like a clear/pinky color. Super shiny and super fabulous. Also looks totally awesome over other shades of lip stick.

  6. p.s. I hate you for introducing me to Makeup Alley. I am going to be on it for like an hour now.

    p.p.s. I spent five minutes in Target yesterday looking for that Sonia Kashuk black eyeliner/smudge stick thingy that you mentioned recently. Sadly, they didn't have it, but I got a great lipcolor of hers instead!! Bonus!

  7. Once upon a time I was the lip gloss queen.

    Here's the thing with blush: I've learned that a peachy cream blush is perfect for daywear. Go somewhere where you can try them out, though, because the one that looks perfect on softest on me is a dark maroon cream in the container. As for lip gloss, I do like the Cliniques for a medium consistency. For thick coverage, though, it's Lip Glass all the way. A friend gave me Mary Kay pink and I've been using it, but it's way subtle and doesn't usually stay on long. The end recommendation? Go to Sephora. :)

  8. you guys don't understand! i live in the backwoods – no neiman marcus, no sephora, no freakin' mac counter. le sigh. i need to a)take a road trip or b)move.

  9. however, i should add that i'm loving the recommendations. i knew you girls would hook me up.

  10. Re: Road Trip or Move
    I realize I asked the question before about whether your city provide you enough stimulation. However, the big city expenses are extremely difficult to foot the bill for (and I can't picture you living in an outlying suburb and commuting in), so road trips to visit friends could take care of this issue, at least at this time.

  11. actually liquid lip smacker is really good and very yummy, Plus you can get it in the grocery store. If you want to pay more and order online get mac lip glass or lancome juicy tubes or try they have some cool stuff thats cheap.

  12. How could I forget Juicy Tubes! My favorite Lancome product EVER (they also do a fantastic set of reds for lips). Also, they are my second favorite summer makeup product, period (second only to Christian Dior's bright and creamy “Le Tubes de L'Ete”). Anyway, I love this topic.

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