five vs. five = total dork

5 Things That Make Me Sorta Tomboyish

  1. I like watching sports, especially in person, and I can speak somewhat coherently about football, basketball, and hockey. Especially hockey. My dad was a goalie and I really know that game better than any other.
  2. And I don’t want to have a conversation while the game’s on unless it’s about the game.
  3. I play video games and computer games – not just girly games, but games where people get blown to bits and it’s all gory and stuff. I used to be all about some Unreal Tournament, and StarCraft.
  4. I read comic books. I even own some. Favorites are Preacher, The Sandman, and Watchmen, and I have read them in their entirety. Sometimes more than once.
  5. I know slightly more about cars and tools than the average girl. I can fix some stuff and change a tire.

5 Things That Make Me Really Girly, and Thus Negate the Cool Tomboy Factor

  1. If I don’t have a vested interest in either team, I will sometimes root for the team with the hottest players, or the coolest uniforms.
  2. I have allegedly screamed “SCORE SOME POINTS, FOR GODSSAKE” while watching a certain Cubs game. Recently.
  3. I never got into Sega/Playstation, and sometimes find even N64 to be too graphics-y for my tastes. Also, I really like The Sims. Like, a lot. Like, Kronk gave me an advance copy of the original Sims for my birthday and I skipped class for two days to play it.
  4. I have crushes on Morpheus and Jesse Custer.
  5. The first time I changed a tire by myself, I put every single lug nut on backward. The mechanic laughed as he helpfully informed me.

Oh yeah, and I really like pink.

8 Replies to “five vs. five = total dork”

  1. Looks like I've stumbled upon a January-February Conversation. I'm gonna March my ass right on outta here. ;)

  2. it's not your fault no one else wants to comment. i'm kind of bummed, though – i thought this would get a lot of responses for sure.

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