treewatch ’08
I talked to Mom today and she said she was starting to take the tree down. I asked how much she’d done and she said she took the baby ornaments down and packed them. So that’s four ornaments down out of a few dozen. I should have started a pool or something.
You win, the tree is down and in the box. I took down every ornament myself, along with the lights, the popcorn, every branch and the star. It was very sad…………..but I decided I wanted it down before Valentine’s Day. Made it by 4 days. If there was a bet, whoever guessed February 10th at 0945 wins. End of story.
As of 6:22 pm, Tuesday Feb. 12th, Christmas is officially put away. Done, finished, complete, Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was looking forward to a good competition but I guess Lorie had to spoil our fun!
28 years ago today……….. :) you know the rest of the story.
We’ll celebrate this weekend after you get home. Love you, Momma
Hope you have a happy birthday and perhaps did some celebrating this weekend!
Happy Birthday!
WOO HOOO! Rock n’ Roll Birthday! …or, maybe not so much with the party tree down.
Happy Birthday anyway.