Her Stories are Boring and Stuff
Two pieces of good news:
- We beat Purdue at Homecoming! Hurray! I wish I’d been there so I could have a heart attack right in the stands, instead of having a heart attack in the middle of my living room.
- Jen is a new mommy, as of Friday – please go and wish her and baby well!
And now, for no apparent reason, here’s a picture of me and my parents, circa 1981 or so:
Yeah–the game was pretty awesome.
wow, your mom looks like she's about 12 here! Cute family photo :)
Oh, now I have to scan in and post this picture I found of my parents probably right before my mom got pregnant with me…my dad has the biggest white man afro I have ever seen. (He actually still does.)
She's 23 – younger than I am now. Isn't that crazy?
Awww, what a cute picture!